Corporate Documents -
Articles of Association (EN)
Corporate Governance
Charters & Codes
Corporate Governance Charter
The general principles and provisions relating to the governance structure of Greenyard, and more in particular the role and responsibilities, the composition and the functioning of the Board of Directors, its Advisory Committees, the Executive Management and the Leadership Team, are described in the Corporate Governance Charter. Greenyard uses the Belgian Corporate Governance Code of 2020 as reference code.

Greenyard closely follows-up the developments and adjusts its corporate governance structure where necessary. The Board of Directors revises the Corporate Governance Charter regularly and where necessary, adaptations are made. The Charter has been last modified on 17 June 2024.
Dealing Code
The Dealing Code is intended to ensure that any persons who are in possession of inside information (i.e. information relating to the Group or Greenyard securities that is precise, not public and that would, if it were made public, be likely to have a significant effect on the price of these securities) at any given time, do not misuse, and do not place themselves under suspicion of misusing such inside information and to ensure that such persons maintain the confidentiality of such inside information and refrain from market manipulation.

Supplier Code of Conduct
Remuneration Policy
Code of Conduct
The objective of the Code of Conduct is to build a strong and sustainable business by upholding Greenyard’s ethical values and giving guidance to all employees, directors and managers of Greenyard in making ethical and legal conduct a vital part of their daily business activities. The Code of Conduct has been last modified on 10 February 2022.
Whistleblowing policy
Greenyard is committed to the highest standards of business ethics and legal compliance.

It is therefore of great importance to Greenyard to have relevant procedures in place to enable its representatives to report any concern they may have about actual or suspected misconduct within Greenyard's operations in a responsible and effective manner, whilst remaining protected from retaliation.

Prospectus Special Reports of Board of Directors
Diversity, equity & inclusion statement
At Greenyard, we are committed to fostering a diverse, equitable and inclusive workplace where every employee feels safe and at home. The diversity of Greenyard’s employees is a precious asset, and every individual employee is a key contributor to our success. Our Diversity, Inclusion & Equity Statement aims to create diversity and inclusion awareness amongst our employees.
Human rights policy
Respect for human rights lies at the core of Greenyard’s fundamental values. Greenyard is committed to the highest standards of ethical behavior in the protection and promotion of human rights. Our Human Rights Policy sets out the norms, values and minimal standards of behavior and expected conduct of all our employees, contractors and consultants, ensuring our success as a sustainable, responsible company.
Due Diligence Policy
As a global market leader in fruits & vegetables, we are fully aware of our responsibilities within the food value chain regarding the products and services we deliver to our customers as well towards all other involved stakeholders in our value chain. We continually shape our response to assess and mitigate risks in our own operations and supply chains, working daily to meet all our legal, regulatory, ethical, environmental, social, and health and safety obligations.
Contact transparency notifications
Shareholders must notify Greenyard as well as the Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA) when their shareholding exceeds or drops below the applicable thresholds set at 3%, 5%, 7,5% and 10% of the total voting rights or any multiple of 5%.

Transparency notifications must be submitted to the Compliance Officer of Greenyard ([email protected]).
Corporate Governance
Under 'Corporate Governance' you can find more information about Greenyard’s Board of Directors & Advisory Committees. You can also get to know our Executive Management or discover more Corporate Documents and Shareholders' Information.